Books That Take Forever to Read

I love reading, and I love finishing books. I generally read at least a hundred books a year, and generally, I read several books at a time and finish each one within a few days. A week max. 

But this year has been weird–there are several books that have taken me months to read, like Ava Dellaria’s Love Letters to the Dead, which I started at Christmas and just now finished, or Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, which I started in November and am still working on. 

Normally I abandon books if I don’t finish them quickly, but I really want to read these books and it’s just taking me forever. 

That’s sort of how my whole life has been since having a baby–I have goals and things to do that used to take me a few days but now require weeks or months. I don’t want to abandon things, but they take me forever. Some things I know have a deadline I’ve just had to postpone for a few years–like finishing my PhD. 

I know that the balance of my life will resume when Ruthie gets a little older, but for now it’s strange to reflect and see how much motherhood has impacted lifelong habits like my reading. 

6 thoughts on “Books That Take Forever to Read

  1. Beth Scanlon says:

    I was working on my doctorate when I had my babe. I had ABD, She was two when I finished. It can be done as your a revisioning your life with a babe. You will read again. Savor the books and savor this time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Leigh Anne says:

    I the utmost respect and admiration for working mothers. I stayed home with my children when they were little, and now that I do work, I don’t see how you all do it! My escape time was “bath time”…for me! I would take a book and sit in the tub for a very…long…time! Reading time will come back. I promise.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ritakenefic says:

    I am the proud mom of five chidren, now in their thirties and forties. I had to postpone a lot of things to raise them and be present to them, but it’s all been worth it. Once they got older, I actually finished my Bachelors degress (graduating a day before our oldest child), finished my Master’s degree, and secured a great position in a reputable public school. Just relax…the time you have with your kids is very short in comparison with your whole life. The books, the degrees and all your other goals will still be there when your time opens up. Enjoy your little one!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shana Karnes says:

      Yep! I have made a list of those goals so I don’t forget them when I’m able to tackle them in five or ten or fifteen years. You’re right–life is long and I’ve got time. 😊


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