On Long Drives #SOL15

solWith a family who lives five hours east and a best friend who’s seven hours south, it’s lucky I love long drives so much.

I enjoy my daily two-mile drive to work, but I really love the marathon journeys I make about once a month.  Packing my bags, choosing a few snacks, and downloading an audiobook fills me with anticipation.  And bright and early one morning (or right after school some afternoons) when I drive up the ramp onto the highway, I revel in the silence and solitude my little trip affords.  I cruise with the radio on low until I enter Pennsylvania, then turn on my book–usually on double speed, since I can’t abide by a slow reader.  The hours pass quickly as the roads become flatter and straighter, my car and brain both on cruise control.  When I arrive at my destination, I’m relaxed–never stressed or feeling rushed.  Just calm from five to seven hours alone, enmeshed in the hallmark activity of an introvert–reading.

IMG_4824Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday, so today I head to Cincinnati.  I’ve packed lots of sweatshirts and jeans, wool socks and scarves.  There’s an apple and some peanuts next to my water bottle on the kitchen table downstairs.  And I’ve downloaded Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto to entertain my brain on my trip.  There’s nothing ahead of me but the open road, and I’m delighted.

5 thoughts on “On Long Drives #SOL15

  1. Deb says:

    I love driving places also–and we do it a lot. Most of my family live 3 hours east of us and our cabin is also about three hours away. My fav trip, though, was last summer when my husband and I drove through South Dakota to the Black Hills. So much to see and we could just travel at our own speed, take our time, stop when we wanted. I think this year we are going to head to Nashville for our driving trip and I’m really looking forward to it

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  2. Elisabeth Ellington says:

    Hey, I live in the exact place Deb is writing about! I love driving too–and good thing, since I have a 120-mile round-trip commute to work. Sometimes on bad weather days I don’t love driving quite so much. But I listen to audiobooks (and lately podcasts, which I’m now obsessed with!). Driving is wonderful out here in the west–open roads, no traffic, incredible vistas, and I often spot bald eagles on my drive to work!

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